Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Freedom Rock on CRI

Check out this segment on The Freedom Rock! Thanks to AJ and his crew for such great work. (after clicking on this link, make sure you view the "Greenfield" video to view the clip on The Freedom Rock).

Friday, August 19, 2011

2011 Governor's Charity Steer Show

Here are a few photos from the 2011 Governor's Charity Steer Show at the Iowa State Fair on Friday, August 13th. The steers were immediately sold at auction and proceeds went to the Ronald McDonald House of Iowa, which has raised more than $1.7 million. Just thought we'd share a few pics, including the painting Bubba donated in order to help raise some extra funds. Thanks again to the Solsma family for asking Bubba to be their celebrity showman!

*Photos by Sorensen Studios

L-R Claire Solsma (steer owner), Ray "Bubba" Sorensen II
(The Freedom Rock artist/celebrity showman)
Painting donated by Bubba to help raise funds
for the Ronald McDonald House of Iowa 

Bubba being interviewed at the 2011 Governor's
Charity Steer Show

Friday, July 29, 2011

Governor's Charity Steer Show...ROUND 2!

You may remember this post from last year: Governor's Charity Steer Show when Bubba was asked to be a celebrity showman after being chosen as "America's Hottest Husband" by REDBOOK Magazine. Well, we're happy to announce he has been asked to show once again!

The Governor's Charity Steer Show will celebrate its 29th anniversary. The show ring competition takes place Saturday, August 13th, 2011 at 4:00 p.m. in the Pioneer Livestock Pavilion at the Iowa State Fair.

Immediately following the competition, the steers will be sold at an auction, with proceeds going to the Ronald McDonald Houses of Iowa. Both the show ring event and the auction are open to the general public.

This year Bubba was asked to be a celebrity showman for being the artist of The Freedom Rock®. Come out and support this wonderful charity which has raised more than $1.7 million and cheer along Bubba!

Bubba showing steer for the 2010 Governor
Charity Steer Show

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

CRI Television Crew

Last week we had producer, Patrick Boberg with CRI of William Penn University and his crew stop by the studio to interview Bubba about The Freedom Rock. Below are a few pictures from the interview. We hope to inform you soon about when it will air. Right now we're thinking mid August, but definitely stay posted to learn more.

Thanks for stopping out, Patrick & crew!

*Photo courtesy: Maria Sorensen, Sorensen Studios 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Studio Visitors-7/20/11

From left to right: Tech Srgt. USAF Carl W. Coffman,
Kelly Coffman Sr. & Ray "Bubba" Sorensen II
*Carl served in Iraq twice and Kuwait. He was the first of 150 air
personnel boots on the ground in Iraq of 2003!

Yesterday we had some pretty cool visitors at The Freedom Rock and Sorensen Studios. It started with a phone call asking if Bubba was around, but he's so busy with murals and paintings right now, that he's is barely at the studio. When I told this to the caller, he sounded very disappointed. The voice on the other end of the phone was that of an Iraqi/Kuwait soldier. He was back in the area with family and "just wanted to shake Bubba's hand" as he put it. So crazy to hear as it's us who want to shake the hands of all these heros...not the other way around!

Luckly Bubba walked in the door while I was still on the phone, taking a little break from painting. As I told this to the young man, he said, "We'll be right there-we're at 'The Rock' right now."

It was so nice meeting this serviceman and his family. And as a side note, the father of this young man is an author who I interviewed while interning for a local paper during college. "Are you Bubba's wife?" he asked on the phone. "You interviewed my dad about his book when you were still just 'Bubba's girlfriend' and told my dad about The Freedom Rock". I got a kick out of that-especially after they told me they still had my article.

Thanks again for visiting. Keep on coming back, even if it is in five year intervals. :-) And most of all, THANK YOU for your service. God Bless!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Veterans Tractor Ride at The Freedom Rock®

Tractors at The Freedom Rock®

Tractors at The Freedom Rock® 2

Bubba signing the 2012 Freedom Rock Calendars for the riders

Tractors at The Freedom Rock® 3

Last Saturday, a group of Veterans participating in the Adair County Historical Society's 2nd Annual Veterans Heritage Tractor Ride made The Freedom Rock one of their destinations. We were able to meet the group at The Rock and thought we'd share a few photos from the event.

Thanks for including us and we hope you enjoyed your visit!

*Photos by Maria Sorensen/Sorensen Studios

Friday, July 1, 2011

CHPA'S Swash Plate Newsletter

The Freedom Rock was mentioned in CHPA's Swash Plate Newsletter. Click the picture to read the full story. Thanks for the support guys!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Freedom Rock featured in Iowa State's VISIONS Magazine

Click for a larger view

The Freedom Rock® was featured on page 17 of the summer 2011 edition of Iowa State University's VISIONS magazine. This edition was in honor of Iowa Staters who've served their country. We felt privileged to be mentioned in the same magazine with such a fine group of Americans! Thank you all for your service & God Bless!

*Click the picture to see a larger view and read the article.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Flag of Honor

As I was going through the mail at the studio today, I came across a package. I didn't recognize the name but I was curious to see what was inside. It was a flag, not the kind of flag I'm used to seeing on a regular business around here but a "Flag of Honor." It was sent to us from a woman named, Kelly. It reads:

"This flag is created from the names of those who perished in the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Now and forever it represents their immortality. We shall never forget them." 

We were honored to display it in our studio in memory of the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. Thanks again, Kelly for sending this to us. 

God bless the victims of the 9/11 tragedy and their families. 

For more information on this project, please visit:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

2010 Freedom Rock featured on Veterans Affairs of Iowa Booklets

Click for a larger view

The north side of the 2010 Freedom Rock was featured on the front of the Iowa Department of Veterans Affairs booklets. The booklet is a State and Federal Benefits guide for Veterans and Dependents. It offers brief descriptions and access to the wide range of benefits and services offered to Veterans and their family members by the Department of Veterans Affairs and the State of Iowa.

We were happy to be a part of this project and would like to thank the Veterans Affairs of Iowa for contacting us. Anytime we are able to help our Veterans-we are honored to do so! Booklets are available for free at Sorensen Studios in Greenfield, IA or simply visit:

*Front cover picture copyright 1999-present: THE FREEDOM ROCK/SORENSEN STUDIOS
*The Freedom Rock® is a registered trademark and is used with permission

Saturday, June 25, 2011

American Flag Mural

Click for a larger view

Bubba just recently finished this American Flag mural at Greenfield Auto Sales in Greenfield, Iowa. He painted a cross section of a flag over an old farm tire service sign.

If you are interested in a free quote for an art project by Bubba, just give us a call or email the studio: 641.343.7110 or

Did you know that artwork at your building site can increase business? Check out what everyone is saying about this American Flag mural here:

Friday, June 24, 2011

Best in the West: Patriotic Attraction

Marge and Terry Moore, chairs of the Adair County Tourism Council, nominated The Freedom Rock as "Best in the West: Patriotic Attraction" for the Western Iowa Tourism Region and it won. Thanks Marge and Terry for thinking of The Freedom and for all who voted.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Indie's Hidden Love Note

Ever since the Redbook Magazine article mentioned it, a lot of visitors now ask us, "Where's the hidden love note?" It's sort of become a fun game for you all...well, here you go!

"I mentioned in an earlier post that "I subtly painted a note to my wife and unborn child on the front (west) side of The Freedom Rock. Well I thought I'd share where my note is to our unborn daugther who will be named Independence (or Indie for short). I highlighted it and circled it in red in this's not that easy to see if you visit The Freedom Rock. I'll share my wife's note a little later. Hope you enjoy."

Or view it on the Freedom Rock Facebook Page by clicking here!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Children's Rock Artwork

We had a teacher ask if Bubba would take a look at some fellow artist's own little "Freedom Rocks". We snapped a photo with Bubba standing beside their artwork in the studio and sent it to the class. The teacher said they really got a kick out of knowing "the artist of The Freedom Rock" looked at their drawings. Too cute-thank you all for your support and we're glad you're so interested in sharing our love for supporting our nation's heroes!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Korean War Veteran visits Sorensen Studios..

Dennis E. Dorman, a Korena War Veteran, visited the the studio a few days ago and presented me with a ornate South Korean Flag.  It's inspired me to look more into what is known as "The Forgotten War", specifically The Battle of Chosin Reservoir, also known as the Chosin Reservoir Campaign, which Dennis fought in.  Who knows...this may lead to some artwork in honor of those we lost in that hard fought war.  Thanks again Dennis

Thursday, June 2, 2011

The 2012 Freedom Rock Calendar!

Did you hear? The 2012 Freedom Rock Calendars are here and each month features a story about one of our nation's heroes. We think this is such a great addition to the calendar and are excited to start receiving nominations for 2013. Check out the stories by ordering your calendar today at The Freedom Rock Store!
Each calendar will be signed by the artist, Ray "Bubba Sorensen II. Calendars are also available at Sorensen Studios open Tuesday-Friday 10a.m.-5:30p.m. and Saturdays by appointment.

*All proceeds benefit The Freedom Rock project. (paint, supplies, transportation, flags, groundskeeping etc.)
Also, please take a moment to view our sponsors: Union State Bank of Greenfield & Bridgewater, Cardinal IG Glass Industries, Livestock Plus Inc., American Legion Post 265 Head Endres & Olive Branch (formerly The Old Hotel).

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tour Bus 6/1/11

Photo by Ray "Bubba" Sorensen II, Sorensen Studios

We had a great group of people at The Freedom Rock and Sorensen Studios today. And by great, we not only mean they were a wonderful bunch to visit with but there were a lot of them! As you can see from the picture, we had a full one today!

Thank you all for visiting The Freedom Rock and our studio. We appreciate your support.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Future Freedom Rock Artist Shirt

So had to share this cute shirt Bubba designed for me to wear at The Freedom Rock this weekend! How cute is that?! It's designed for my "baby bump" and points to our little bun in the oven. We can't wait to have our little Indie along for "Rock Season" next year! I know a lot of you have already said you can't wait to meet her-us either!

And remember if you need any graphic design work such as this, don't hesitate to contact us at the studio: | 641.343.7110

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Studio Visitor

We had a member of the Army Reserves stop by the studio today and thanks to the rain (I know, never thought I'd say that) he was able to finally catch Bubba!

Below is a picture of the medal he presented to Bubba on behalf of his unit: 4th Battalion 401st Army Field Support Brigade.

Thanks for stopping by and most of all-Thank You for your service!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Freedom Rock Hoodie Special!

Click the picture for larger viewing.
Our clothing is proudly made in America!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Tour Bus @ The Freedom Rock 5/4/11

Although a bit chilly this morning we had a great turn out with today's Tour Bus atThe Freedom Rock.
Here is a picture of what Bubba has painted on this year's rock so far along with a shot of the bus.

If you would like to schedule a visit to meet Bubba, now is the time to do it as he is at the Rock most of this month. Give us a call: 641.343.7110 or email us at

*special thanks to Liz Gilman for all of her support!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Reagan the Rock Dog

Reagan at The Freedom Rock® May 2010

Reagan riding to The Freedom Rock® in Bubba's painting van

I just wanted to give a little shout out to our dog, Reagan; who's also known as "The Rock Dog". Reagan has been going out to The Freedom Rock® with Bubba since May of 2004 from the first day we brought him home. He took to it so quickly that when we drive by now he starts to get antsy and is always ready to stop and go to his "spot", which you can see from the first picture is the East side of The Freedom Rock® (the one with the most shade).

Yep, it's been a whole eight years since Reagan has been the "Rock Dog", and this will be Bubba's 13th year painting it. So we just wanted to recognize Reagan for all of his hard work and dedication as well! I'm sure he looks forward to meeting all of the visitors again this year and getting some treats from some of his most loyal fans-you know who you are!

Here are a few pictures from Reg out at The Freedom Rock® last year along with one of him in Bubba's painting van.

p.s. When I ride out with Bubba in the painting van and sit in the front seat, Reg just gives me this look like "umm get out of my spot". It's so funny!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tour Bus 4/28/11

Today's tour bus was full of more visitors excited to see the The Freedom Rock® and meet Bubba. After stopping by the 'Rock the group visited Sorensen Studios and viewed some more of our artwork and photography. I would say this group was pretty lucky as the 'Rock has not been painted over, but that will change yet today. Bubba is on his way out to get the first coat of white paint on-good bye 2010 Freedom Rock!

We still have a chunk of 2011 Freedom Rock Calendars left and they are on sale for only $5.00! If you're interested in purchasing a calendar, please contact the studio at

Special thanks to Jennifer Garside with First National Bank for all of your help and support...oh and the ice cream treat-my favorite!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tour Bus @ Freedom Rock

We had another Tour Bus visit The Freedom Rock® today. Here is a cool photo from the event snapped by Bubba on his cell phone. If you want to see this year's Freedom Rock one last time, you might want to hurry, Bubba will begin repainting any sunny day now...

Thanks again to everyone in the group for your support!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

1st Edition Freedom Rock Shirts

Get 'em before they're gone! These shirts are proudly made in America and have a light weight feel...the perfect summer shirt. Please email or call the studio today if you're interested in purchasing yours today.
Or of course, stop on in! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Freedom Rock Visitor, Bob Wateski (Gunny)

Bob Wateski (Gunny) at Sorensen Studios picture with
artwork by Ray "Bubba" Sorensen II

Shields of Strength Dog Tags

Meet Bob. I naively was getting ready to leave the studio for a lunch break this afternoon when I noticed his large RV pulling into the studio. I say naively because it's starting to get close to the renewal of The Freedom Rock®, so visitors are coming from all over the country. Of course being pregnant I immediately thought, "Oh no, I'm so hungry and I'm not going to get to eat lunch today!"

But as soon as he hopped out of the RV which pulled his Motorcycle on the back, I noticed his hat which read "Vietnam Veteran" and I couldn't help but be excited to meet and talk with him. I thanked him for his service and shook his hand as he approached the studio.

He said he was on his way back from Florida to Wisconsin as he spends the winters there due to his throat cancer from Agent Orange. My heart suddenly melted. Here I was worried about getting to eat lunch when this man fought for me and now has cancer because of it! It's one of those moments you know you were exactly where you were meant to be.

He was trying to locate the Freedom Rock because he had always wanted to visit it. He said he had noticed the sign here at Sorensen Studios and decided to stop. I showed him around the studio a bit and gave him directions to the Rock. He was disappointed in not being able to meet Bubba and I assured him Bubba was more disappointed not to be able to meet him, a true American Hero.

After he bought postcards and a calendar he ran out to his RV. "I'll be right back", he said. He came back with Shields of Strength dog tags (see 2nd picture above). These dog tags are sold to raise money for our men and women of all services and wanted Bubba and I to have one. I'm proudly wearing mine today! Please if you would like to donate to this wonderful cause, visit their website:

Thanks again, Bob. It was as an honor meeting you. I hope you enjoyed your visit toSorensen Studios & The Freedom Rock®. And don't worry, my mom brought me some lunch for Baby and me! =)

Blog Post by: Maria Sorensen

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2012 Freedom Rock Calendar...Coming Soon!

The 2012 Freedom Rock Calendar won't be available until mid-May but I thought I'd give you a peek at what the cover will look like.  This 2012 calendar, a follow up to our first ever calendar, will feature stories of veterans from around the country, as well as, photos of my paintings on The Freedom Rock.  You can pre-order a copy of this limited edition calendar by visiting:  Thank you for your support and thank you veterans for your service to our country.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Freedom Rock Fan Email

Just thought we'd share with you one of our most recent emails from a Freedom Rock visitor. It's crazy to think that some of you have just visited last year's version for the first time, but we're glad you make the trip every year! If you want plenty of time to take this year's picture, you better hurry, Bubba will be starting any sunny day he gets in April. We're very excited for this stay posted.

Hi, Maria. I don’t know if I sent this along or not but wanted to so … just to make sure. This is my neighbor, Don “Gunny” on the left and me on the right. We stopped at Freedom Rock on our trip from Colorado to DC for Rolling Thunder last year. The trip was to remember those who went before us and included visiting friends and family and grave sites in Missouri, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Illinois, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming. Great trip.
This was Don’s first visit to Freedom Rock and he was suitably impressed.
Pass along to Bubba my appreciation for another job very well done.
Jay Brown

Keep sending your emails and pictures Freedom Rock fans...we LOVE it!
We'll see you all soon this Memorial Day.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Another special visitor

Photo Courtesy of Subject

Yesterday we had the honor of meeting SGT Ricky Leonard with the HHT 1-113 Cavalry.
Leonard wanted to stop by the studio and say "thank you" for his Freedom Rock Calendar he received while serving in Afghanistan. "I received it the day I was going on leave" Leonard said. "I decided to take it home with me instead of leave it there."

Wow-were we honored to be visited by SGT Leonard. You may remember the Freedom Rock Calendar Special we ran back in December. Thanks to all you loyal fans, heroes like SGT Leonard could receive a free gift while serving over seas. SGT Leonard also provided us with this picture he took in front of The Freedom Rock® this summer before being deployed. 

Thanks again Freedom Rock Fans and God Bless!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Freedom Rock® Fans ROCK!

Below are a few emails we received after posting about our trip to Antigua. Most of these people I have had the privilege of getting to know while participating in my husband's annual project: The Freedom Rock®. For those of you who know us, know that we say this is the best part of being involved in this project; meeting our nation's heroes and their loved ones. We have made some great friends over the years and feel truly blessed. Thank you all again for your support. God Bless!

Hey Maria!
Congrats to you and Bubba again! Speaking of trips, guess where I am...Back in Iraq! Doh! I just arrived
last week. We are scheduled to be here for another year unless politics decide something else. What is your
address again? I'll send a postcard. Maybe I can even send you all some Iraqi sand for Bubba to put in his 
paint next time he paints the rock. Take care and keep in touch!



Wow!! What a great vacation/honeymoon. And, a great time to be away from frigid Iowa. Your pictures 
are fantastic and would make a great travel brochure. Sure made us want to take a trip to Antigua. We're 
so happy you won. After all Bubba has done for the Veterans over the past 12 years, he certainly deserved to win. His work is very much appreciated. We'll probably visit The Freedom Rock again this summer.

Thanks again for sharing your vacation pictures.

Ron & Mary Jane


Dear Maria & Bubba,

In case you didn't receive the comment I tried to post under the lovely photos you have shared with us, I just wanted to say "thank you" for sharing and we are so thrilled you enjoyed your visit to Antigua. Have a wonderful year!
God's Blessings.
From your friends you have never met, down under in Aus.

Carla & Joe xoxo

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Freedom Rock® artist in the Iowa House

Contact Josie Albrecht (515) 419-1038

Sorensens Help in the Iowa House

(DES MOINES) – Ray Sorensen and Heidi Sorensen-Sloth are pictured here with Reps. Steve Olson (R-DeWitt), Annette Sweeney (R-Alden), and Clel Baudler (R-Greenfield).  Ray Sorensen paints The Freedom Rock® in Greenfield.  He and Heidi are both clerking for Rep. Olson.

Josie Albrecht
Communications Director
Iowa House Republicans
(515) 281-3432 (desk)
(515) 419-1038 (cell)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Our 3 year late Honeymoon

Maria entered me into a contest a year ago and we actually won.  The prize was a trip to Antigua in the Caribbean.  The travel to and from the resort was miserable, but the resort was gorgeous and relaxing.  Most of the time we just kicked back on the beach but every once and awhile we picked up the camera and snapped some pics of the scenery.  The below 3 posts are a small sampling of some of the pictures we snapped.

Antigua Pics 3

Antigua Pics 2

Antigua Pics 1

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Some recent paintings...

These are some paintings I was commissioned to paint for Christmas presents.  One is of a home here in Greenfield.  One is a take on the NY Fireman handing our flag to an American Soldier.  The last one is of a family from Wisconsin.