Thursday, June 18, 2009

"From Start to Finish" 2009 Freedom Rock®


Lisa Parker said...

I'm so impressed with your patriotism and your artwork. What an honor it is to have people like you who make statements such as the Freedom Rock to keep people aware of our freedom and those who serve to keep freedom strong. What a wonderful thing you are doing. I got the chills when I learned that the ashes of Vietnam vets were used. What a great idea.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Bubba! Among a society that seems to have so little respect for the sacrifice of our soldiers (and thereby our country's heroes), it is like a breath of clean, fresh air to find someone who will take this stand in honor of them. Thank you!

cwendel said...

Another fantastic job! Thanks so much for your effort and the awareness for our veterans. PS I hope you got the flag my husband flew for you on one of his missions over Afghanistan a few years ago. We lived in Arizona at the time and I ran into you when you were painting right before Memorial Day.
Thanks again...